
Madrid health workers pledge to stand firm on privatization

PP regional government has reduced plans to farm out hospitals and primary care centers

Elena G. Sevillano

Madrid’s health workers have said they will stand firm against the Popular Party (PP) regional government’s plan to privatize part of the sector, despite an offer to reduce the scope of the reform. Following weeks of strikes and street protests by public health employees, the Madrid health department offered to privatize one hospital and seven or eight primary care centers, rather than six hospitals and 27 centers.

“It is evident that one is better than six, but it would open the door to privatization. Besides, we haven’t received a formal offer yet,” said Jesús Frías, a spokesman for the department chiefs at Madrid’s public hospitals.

“We doubt whether this offer is for real. If they were justifying the privatizations because of the savings it would bring, then it’s obvious that one hospital is a pittance. If we take the offer seriously, it means they are looking for a political solution to the conflict, not an economic one,” Frías insisted.

Madrid premier Ignacio González said that he was not aware of the offer.

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