
Police arrest 16-year-old girl for arranging hit on her brother

Initial police investigations suggest a drugs link

A 16-year-old girl was arrested in Madrid on Wednesday charged with arranging the murder of her own brother. The body of David M. G., 21, was discovered in the family home in Torrejón de Ardoz after his sister raised the alarm, having found her brother on the sofa with a gunshot wound to the head.

Initial police investigations suggested a drugs link, as the two men arrested on suspicion of David M. G.'s murder, Miguel Feliú de Diego, 22, and Francisco José Robles Mora, 20, were associates in a small-scale dealing operation. It later emerged that David M. G. had objected to the intimate relationship between his sister and Feliú and threatened them both.

Feliú and Robles have been remanded in custody while the victim's sister was placed in a child detention unit.

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