
Reform will give women the final say in abortion in consultation with doctor

“Psychological harm” to the mother to be key factor Two thirds of Catholic voters reject law change

The controversial reform of the abortion law being proposed by Justice Minister Alberto Ruiz-Gallardón’s will leave the ultimate “responsibility” for deciding whether to terminate a pregnancy on the woman in consultation with a doctor.

The overriding factor in determining whether an abortion should proceed will be based on the level of “psychological harm” the mother would incur if she were to give birth. This would include factors such as fetal malformation, which Gallardón has said in itself will not be sufficient motive to terminate a pregnancy.

Gallardón wants to see an overhaul of the current abortion system created in 2010 by the previous Socialist administration that brought bring Spain in line with other European countries in place by the fall. He wants to eliminate abortion on demand until week 14, and return to something closer to the previous system, which only allowed pregnancies to be terminated in such cases of rape, physical or mental risk for the mother

According to the latest Metroscopia poll published Sunday, Gallardón’s plans to amend the abortion law to remove fetus malformation as a reason for terminating a pregnancy has angered traditional Popular Party supporters, many of whom are practicing Catholics.

Of those polled 81 percent, 81 percent said they were against eliminating fetus malformation as a legitimate reason for an abortion, with only 14 percent in favor. Among PP voters, 65 percent were against the move, while 90 percent of Socialist supporters repudiated it. Among practicing Catholics, 64 percent rejected Gallardón’s initiative, while 85 percent of non-practicing Catholics were against it.

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