
This week’s movie releases

‘Take Shelter’ brings a storm to Spanish screens

Jessica Chastain (l) and Michael Shannon in 'Take Shelter´.
Jessica Chastain (l) and Michael Shannon in 'Take Shelter´.

In Jeff Nichols' Take Shelter Michael Shannon (Revolutionary Road) plays the father and husband plagued by visions of an apocalyptic storm that prompt him to sink the modest family finances into building a tornado shelter in his backyard. But as his bizarre behavior puts strain on his life with wife Jessica Chastain (The Tree of Life), the question is whether the brewing storm is in the skies or all in his head.

Shannon is set to appear as General Zod alongside British actor Henry Cavill in the forthcoming Superman reboot Man of Steel. And the latter is also in action this week in The Cold Light of Day, starring as a young American trying to save his family after they are kidnapped while on holiday in - would you believe it - Spain. Bruce Willis and Sigourney Weaver also feature in French director Mabrouk el Mechri's thriller, alongside local stars Verónica Echegui and Óscar Jaenada.

There's a lot more Spanish acting talent on display in Alberto Rodríguez's Grupo 7. Hunk Mario Casas darkens his image as a young cop who joins a corrupt and brutal police unit charged with cleaning Seville of junkies and drug dealers ahead of the 1992 Expo. With Inma Cuesta, Antonio de la Torre, Joaquín Núñez and José Manuel Poga.

Made before their Oscar triumph with The Artist, director Michel Hazanavicius and actor Jean Dujardin both contribute segments to The Players, a modern-day omnibus comedy about that most French of subjects, male infidelity. Dujardin also stars, alongside Gilles Lellouche, Guillaume Canet and Mathilda May.

And another multiple Oscar winner resurfaces this week in the form of James Cameron's 1997 epic Titanic, re-released in 3D in time for the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the famous ship.

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