
Lawyers seek Garzón jail term for extortion

High court judge faces third case before the Supreme Court for allegedly accepting money from Banco Santander

For the first time, Baltasar Garzón could be facing jail time if the Supreme Court agrees to a petition by the complainants in one of three cases the embattled High Court judge is facing.

On Monday, lawyers Antonio Panea and José Luis Mazóna, who have filed the complaint against Garzón for allegedly accepting money on behalf of Banco Santander, said they would seek a charge of extortion. The case has previously been shelved by the Supreme Court.

Garzón is facing charges of improper bribery for allegedly accepting money from Santander CEO Emilio Botín to organize a series of lectures while on a leave of absence at New York University. He is accused of shelving a tax fraud case against the executive in return.

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