
Police sustain charges that Valencia PP was illegally funded

Anti-corruption prosecutors' summary backs allegations that regional party received payoffs from Gürtel network

A High Court judge investigating crimes within the Popular Party (PP) in Valencia has been given a final summary by anti-corruption prosecutors that sustains allegations that the members of the Gürtel businessmen's network made illegal payoffs to the PP's regional organization, sources say.

In the report, investigators identify Ramón Blanco Balin as the key figure who helped orchestrate the alleged payoff scheme on behalf of his boss, Francisco Correa, the jailed alleged Gürtel mastermind. Blanco was one of Correa's chief financial consultants.

Police found a host of documents, including letters and receipts, at Blanco's home during a raid.

The report, which was commissioned by Madrid High Court Judge Antonio Pedreira when he had jurisdiction in the Gürtel investigation, alleges Blanco had two separate accounts for the organization - one of which showed illegal payoffs given to the PP on behalf of Correa's point man in Valencia, Álvaro Pérez.

On Wednesday, a jury acquitted former Valencia regional premier Francisco Camps and his fellow PP official Ricardo Costa of accepting gifts from the Gürtel members.

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