
Verification commission asks ETA not to carry weapons

International negotiators release report on meetings with Basque terrorist group

The International Verification Commission, headed by South African lawyer Brian Currin, has warned Basque terrorist group ETA that its members could find themselves in very dangerous situations if they continue to carry weapons.

In a report released on Thursday, commission members said that they had met with ETA representatives to pass on "their concerns" about terrorists still possesing explosives and weapons.

The commission, which was created last September after ETA declared an end to its campaign of violence, has met with representatives of all the political groups - except the Popular Party, which refuses to meet with ETA members - the Catholic Church, Basque government leaders and unions. It has concluded that "ETA has no intention of committing or organizing terrorist or violent acts in the future."

Commission members also conclude that the isolated acts of Basque street violence (the so-called kale borroka), which have been condemned by the radical abertzale left parties, and the demonstrations in support of ETA prisoners, are not directly related to the ceasefire.

Among the members of the commission are Ray Kendall, Interpol's former secretary general in Britain; Chris Maccabe, ex-negotiator of the Northern Ireland peace accords; and Ram Manikkalingam, director of the Dialogue Advisory Group and a former Iraq peace negotiator.

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