
Archbishop issues fiery views on gays and women

Tarragona prelate says female roles are limited and behavior of homosexuals is "inadequate for society"

The archbishop of Tarragona, Jaume Pujol Balcells, has made some controversial observations against homosexuals, calling their behavior "inadequate for society," and going on to say that women's roles in society are limited.

The 67-year-old prelate, who is a member of Opus Dei, made his remarks during a Monday morning television breakfast show on Catalan regional channel TV3.

"I love everyone but I also differentiate between people and their behaviors very well. As people, we are all children of God and we should respect one another. But there are some types of behavior that are not good."

When pressed about homosexuality, the archbishop said: "Everyone must be aware of the responsibility they all have in society. The Church can lecture but we cannot enforce anything because we have neither a police squad nor prisons. More so than now, the Church has to point out right from wrong, and each of us also has the obligation to do the same."

When questioned about marriage, Pujol Balcells said: "I tell the women of my church the same thing - the person you have to take care of the most in your household is your husband; he is your youngest son."

As for female priests, he said: "A woman cannot serve Mass because we all have our own duties in life. There are things that I can't do, such as give birth, like women."

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