
Aragon man busted for Madonna single leak

Singer was reported to have been "outraged" by theft of latest studio recording

A 31-year-old man has been arrested in Zaragoza as the suspected source of an internet leak of Madonna's latest single, police in Aragon confirmed.

The detainee, identified as J. M. R., has been accused of a charge of revealing information and secrets via the internet. The police investigation, dubbed "Madonnaleaks," began when members of the singer's entourage detected leaks of her new single, Give Me All Your Love, which is to feature on her scheduled 2012 album. The song had not been played outside the studio. Madonna was said to be "outraged."

The arrest follows a judicial ruling last week in favor of Spanish P2P software creator Pablo Soto, who had been taken to court by music industries giants. The court ordered the plaintiffs to pay all costs.

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