
Guti abandons Besiktas as Turkish delight turns sour

Former Real Madrid man looking for La Liga return after only 70 minutes on the field this season

Just over a year after abandoning Real Madrid to try out pastures new, Guti has slammed the door on Turkish club Besiktas, having become disillusioned with his experience in Istanbul.

Announcing his intention in an interview in April of last year to leave the star-studded club he had been with since he was a youth, Guti said at the time: "Anything that means getting out of Spain is good for me."

But after clashing with Besiktas' management, Guti has only played 70 minutes for the Turkish side this year.

Disheartened with what promised to be a refreshing change, the player tore up his contract with Besiktas on Tuesday, well before it was due to expire in June, after his agent secured guarantees from the club it would pay him the 1.5 million euros in unpaid wages from last season.

Stating his reasons for leaving via micro-blogging site Twitter, Guti said: "A long morning but I can tell you my contract with Besiktas is over. Thanks to the fans. It was a hard and difficult decision because I was very happy there and the only one responsible for me not staying is the manager."

Guti saw the management of the Turkish team change hands twice with Tayfur Havutçu, the coach before Portugal's Carlos Carvalhal, ending up in jail, along with the club's vice president, over alleged match fixing.

The 35-year-old Guti wants to play for another two years and is now looking for a club in Spain.

Guti, the day he was presented as a Besiktas player.
Guti, the day he was presented as a Besiktas player.MUSTAFA OZER (AFP).

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