
Athlete Marta Domínguez to run for Senate in Palencia

Athlete Marta Domínguez, the world 3,000m steeplechase champion, is to be a Popular Party candidate for the Senate in November's general elections. The leader of the main opposition party, Mariano Rajoy, announced the decision on Twitter: "I have just spoken to [Popular Party regional premier in Castilla y León] Juan Vicente Herrera and Marta Domínguez will be the PP candidate in Palencia," Rajoy wrote.

Domínguez was implicated in Operation Greyhound, a Civil Guard investigation into doping in Spanish sport in which 14 people, including the athlete, were arrested. Domínguez was accused of doping, selling illegal substances and providing medicines without a prescription but was later absolved.

At a press conference at the Spanish Olympic Committee's headquarters after the judicial decision was handed down, Domínguez announced that she would return to training in time to compete at the London Games in 2012. "I have never done anything. If I had taken something prohibited, I would have tested positive in a test, and I have done many."

This will not be Domínguez's first foray into the political sphere. Between 2003 and 2007 she occupied the post of councilor for sports in Palencia, also under the PP. She was also recently nominated among the 19 finalists for the Prince of Asturias Award for sport, which was given to Haile Gebrselassie.

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