
Man in coma after new jimson weed incident

Intoxication case comes a week after two young revelers died at an illegal rave

A 23-year-old man from Badajoz went into coma on Saturday after consuming leaves from the hallucinogenic plant Datura Stramonium, commonly known as jimson weed. The youth was hospitalized in a state of "significant psychomotor agitation" and remains in serious condition, sources at Hospital Infanta Cristina said.

Exactly one week ago, two other youngsters died after drinking a homemade brew made with jimson weed and mixing it with alcohol at a rave party in Getafe, near Madrid. Two people were arrested for offering them the drink, which also left a third teenager in serious condition. Although no similar events had been recorded for years, there is a precedent in Valencia in 2004, when two young people died after drinking a brew made with jimson weed.

More information
Supplier of hallucinogenic drug sought after two die
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