
Suspect in triple infanticide sent to prison without bail

Alleged killer claims she cannot remember incident

The suspected perpetrator of a triple homicide that took place at a children's care home on Monday was on Tuesday remanded in custody after giving brief testimony in the Cliníco Universitario hospital in Valladolid, where she remains under police watch.

Gabriela L. B. was arrested on Monday after the bodies of three children aged three, nine and 14, and who suffered from motor-function disabilities, were found in a care home in Boecillo, Valladolid province. Gabriela L. B., a night-watch monitor at the home, was found with wounds to her head and wrists shortly after 9am. She testified that she could not remember what had happened and that she simply wanted to kill herself. The children, two Spaniards and a Guinean who were wards of the regional government, are believed to have been suffocated.

More information
Triple homicide shocks small town

Father Ángel García, the president of Messengers for Peace, which runs the home, attended a memorial service for the children in Boecillo on Tuesday. "I have no explanation for what happened," he said. "Now we must find a balance between pain and fortitude and carry on."

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