
Black legend of a bull called Mouse grows with second death

Gory fame means 'Ratón' is a popular draw at town festivals in Valencia region

Ratón (Mouse), a 10-year-old, 500-kilo bull took a second life on Saturday night during festivals in Xàtiva, Valencia, when a 29-year-old man was gored to death.

The man, who was reportedly drunk and had already been dragged out of the ring once by standers-by, tried to rise to his feet after the attack, but collapsed and was hauled from the ring by several other festival goers. He died shortly after.

Ratón's deathly fame began to spread back in 2006, when he gored a 54-year-old man to death in Sagunto. Surprisingly, from that point, requests for an appearance from Ratón began to pour in from all over the region.

<i>Ratón</i> at his home corral in Sueca, Valencia.
Ratón at his home corral in Sueca, Valencia.TANIA CASTRO
More information
The killer bull who's pulling in the crowds
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