
Anti-papal protestors to choose new plan after their march is scrapped

Demonstrations against Vatican are "ridiculous," says Toledo archbishop

Representatives of more than 100 different groups, who plan to hold an anti-Vatican march along Pope Benedict XVI's route when he visits Madrid, are to meet on Thursday to discuss their next move after the government delegate in the capital prohibited the holding of any demonstrations near the papal rally.

The groups, which represent political parties, labor unions and some community churches, had until Tuesday to appeal the delegate's decision with the courts, but have decided not to go the legal route. The government delegate's office meanwhile said it is still open to negotiations.

The demonstrators, who support a lay state, had proposed starting their march from Tirso de Molina-Puerta del Sol until they converged with the masses of people expected to show up for World Youth Day 2011, which kicks off on August 16. "We have the right to disagree and our rights should be protected," said one member of the group.

More information
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On Wednesday, Toledo Archbishop Braulio Rodríguez called the anti-papal protests "ridiculous" and "excessive."

"Spain's problems are not going to be solved over whether the pope visits or not," Rodríguez said during a news conference. The archbishop added that part of the financial problems facing the country have to do with the "internal moral problem over how to live and how to manage the economy."

For his part, Madrid Socialist Party (PSM) leader Tomás Gómez said it was only fair under a democracy that citizens are allowed to march, even against the pope. He said the Interior Ministry and Madrid government delegate María Dolores Carrión should get together to come up with a viable plan to allow the march to take place. "That is why they are there - to work out these sorts of things," Gómez said.

Despite the government delegate's willingness to hold more talks, the demonstrators say they won't ask to hold additional talks with her. "Let her call us," said Luis Vega, of the Madrid Association of Atheists and Freethinkers (AMAL). "We do not want to provoke anyone, nor do we want violence. That is an argument that is being thrown around a lot, which is rubbish."

Madrid regional premier Esperanza Aguirre had asked Carrión not to allow them to hold the rally on the same day of the papal parade through Madrid.

Madrid's main arteries to close for six days due to papal visit

Madrid city officials will close off the traffic in the main arteries connecting Prado-Recoletos and Gran Vía-Alcalá streets for six days beginning Tuesday due to Pope Benedict XVI's visit next week. Streets will be closed from 10.30am Tuesday to 6am August 23 because of the festivities surrounding the Catholic Church's World Youth Day 2011, City Hall said in a statement.

Traffic will also be cut off between Colón and Atocha as well as on Gran Vía from Plaza España to Cibeles, but officers will allow people through to get to their homes and places of work "whenever possible," the statement said. From 2pm to midnight on August 16, 18 and 19, Antonio Maura street, between Lealtad Plaza and Alfonso XII, will also be closed.

During the pope's visit to Madrid's Almudena Cathedral on August 20, traffic will be blocked on the Gran Vía de San Francisco, Bailén and Mayor streets.

City officials are asking residents to use the Metro instead of the buses because around 60 routes won't be running on their regular schedules during the visit from August 16-20.

Traffic authorities are warning that changes to the street-closure plan are possible.

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