
Indicted Camps to get driver, assistant paid with public funds

Former Valencia chief also gets spot on a parliamentary legal advisory panel

Francisco Camps, the former Valencia premier who resigned after he was indicted on corruption charges, will get a chauffer, two bodyguards and an assistant paid for with public money.

On Monday, the Valencia government's official gazette (DOCV) published the administrative order, which names Camps' former secretary Susana Fayos Cabañero as his new assistant.

"It is not that he asked for them, it is what the law provides," said Serafín Castellano, chief of staff to Valencia's new premier Alberto Fabra.

Camps, who is scheduled to go to trial in the fall for allegedly accepting dress suits and other gifts from businessmen in the corrupt Gürtel network, will also take a seat on the region's judicial council (CJC), the legal advisor to parliament. Some have questioned whether Camps could hold his seat in parliament as a PP deputy and sit on the CJC, but council sources said that the two positions are compatible.

Antonio Hernando, deputy campaign manager for the Socialists, said that it was "an embarrassment" and "a joke" to allow someone who is going to trial on criminal charges to become a legal advisor. Camps is currently free on 55,000 euros bail.

In a related issue, another Gürtel case defendant, Antoine Sánchez, said he is readying to seek a plea bargain. Sánchez is cousin to Gürtel mastermind Francisco Correa and allegedly was part of the cover-up of the multi-million-euro kickback ring.

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