
Dutch woman rescued after 18 days in Málaga hills

Tourist who fell into remote ravine ate no food during ordeal, but is said to be "stable" in hospital

Mary-Anne Goossens, a Dutch tourist, was recovered on Wednesday by a Civil Guard mountain rescue team after spending 18 days at the bottom of a ravine in a remote area of Málaga province.

Goossens, 48, had no food and lived purely on water for the duration of her ordeal. "She thought about eating ants but couldn't bring herself to do it," said Bernadette Veeger, a Dutch doctor resident in the region who was one of the first people to speak to Goossens. Having been found by hikers and taken to hospital, she was said to be "stable, conscious and talking."

"She is tired and hungry; her son is going to take a plane as soon as he is able to come and see her," a spokesman for the Goossens family said. Goossens had checked into a hotel in Nerja on June 16. On June 22, her ex-husband and a son arrived in Málaga to report her missing.

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