
Five injured in bomb attack against troops on Afghan patrol

Four Spanish soldiers and their interpreter, who were attacked in Afghanistan last Saturday, are recovering satisfactorily

Two Spanish soldiers who were seriously wounded in Afghanistan on Saturday remained stable although both have lost a leg, said sources at the Defense Ministry on Sunday. Two other servicemen and their interpreter, who sustained lesser injuries, are reportedly recovering well.

The victims were part of a reconnaissance patrol driving along the Lithium route. The four soldiers - three men and a woman - and their interpreter, an Iranian-born Spaniard, were injured when a bomb went off around five kilometers northwest of Ludina, in Badghis province, which is under Spanish regional command.

Lieutenant A. G. B. and Private J. G. L., who was driving the vehicle, sustained the worst injuries and were taken to hospitals in Herat and Kandahar. Besides the amputations, the latter was also treated for an eye injury.

Defense Minister Carme Chacón said that the amount of explosives used in Saturday's attack against the Spanish contingent was "much greater" than in any previous attacks, and that "greater damage was avoided" thanks to the fact that they were driving an Iveco LMV, also known as Lince, an armored vehicle that can withstand the blast of six kilograms' worth of explosives.

In an interview on Ser radio station, Chacón said that since March 2010, the government has made a great effort to incorporate "the best armored vehicles in the market." Spanish troops have only been using the new RG-31 and Lince armored vehicles since last year.

Spain is contributing over 1,500 troops to the NATO-led mission in Afghanistan. In February 2010, a Spanish serviceman died in another attack against a Spanish convoy. Since 2002, 91 Spanish soldiers have lost their lives in Afghanistan.

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