
Firefighters struggle to contain Ibiza blaze

Wildfire described as worst in the history of the island

Firefighters on Thursday were battling a spreading wildfire in Ibiza that had already burned some 2,000 hectares and was being described as the worst blaze in the history of the popular resort island. "Things look bad," said Defense Minister Carme Chacón as she flew over the area in a helicopter.

Authorities struggled with the raging fire 30 hours after it had begun, but high winds were making the job difficult.

Some 200 people were evacuated from about 80 homes, the regional government of the Balearic Islands said in a statement. The fire began on Wednesday near the northern town of Sant Joan de Labritja.

Police detained a 50-year-old who is accused of starting the fire with a smoker he was using to blow smoke into a beehive, a police spokesman said.

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