
Grandmother granted maternity leave

Court recognized woman as legal guardian of child after her daughter died

A grandmother who was given custody of her grandchild after her daughter died in a accident is to be given 16 weeks' maternity leave.

The Zaragoza company that employs 60-year-old Pilar Portero recognized this right after a court of first instance named her the legal guardian of her granddaughter, Lola, following her daughter's death a year ago.

With the leave granted, Portero is now waiting for the National Social Security Institute to process the associated economic benefits.

The Workers' Statute recognizes women's rights to take a break due to giving birth, adopting or fostering, but not the granting of guardianship.

However, legal experts say the situation is comparable to maternity and those recognized as guardians of a minor must have access to the same right to benefits derived from labor law.

Pilar Portero shows the document granting her maternity leave.
Pilar Portero shows the document granting her maternity leave.JAVIER CEBOLLADA (EFE)

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