
Industry moots car tax hike for high emitters

Current rules mean that almost 40 percent of all vehicles are exempt from paying road duty

The Industry Ministry has announced plans to examine raising the tax on car purchases, from which 37 percent of all vehicles sold in Spain are currently exempt. In a reform inserted into the draft Efficiency and Renewable Energy Law, only vehicles that emit less than 100 grams of carbon dioxide per kilometer will avoid the tax.

Currently, the limit is set at 120 grams, and manufacturers are producing many models whose emissions come in just under this amount. The new limit may be set at 110 grams of carbon dioxideper kilometer, which would leave 170 models currently in circulation free of the need to pay the tax. Only 54 models emit less than 100 grams.

Until a government reform in 2007, the tax had been paid depending on engine size and all vehicles that emit less than 120 grams of carbon dioxide were exempted.

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