
Time for Mourinho to toe a different line?

Real Madrid has one last chance to attack Barcelona where it matters

Somewhere, in between the unseemly off-field melée that has been occupying Uefa's pen-pushers and the aftermath of last week's pitched battle between Barça and Real, lurks a soccer game. José Mourinho's destructive tactics in the previous three matches in two weeks between Spain's two heavy-hitters have invited a series of body blows for the institution he represents; the self-styled upholder of all that is right and good in the game.

Ottmar Hitzfeld, who with Mourinho and Ernst Happel holds the distinction of winning two Champions League titles with two clubs, pulled no punches in a column in German sports magazine Kicker: "I've met him at Uefa meetings and his behavior is faithful to his image: arrogant, haughty, chewing gum and somewhat loutish," he wrote, adding that Mourinho's style is "shameful" for a club of Real's pedigree.

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Mourinho is thick-skinned and words will not cause him much discomfort, but against Barcelona on Tuesday night (TVE-1, 8.45pm) the Portuguese has one final chance to remove the stick with which he will be beaten for his approach up to now from the hands of Real's hierarchy and his detractors. Whether he will chance his arm is his choice, as he is always at pains to point out, but surely it is time for Mourinho to toe a more expansive line.

Real's 5-0 mauling at Camp Nou served to install Mourinho as Fidei Defensor of the institution of Real Madrid, and his rearguard formation was largely accepted as a necessary evil in the Liga tie and even brought about a King's Cup victory. In last week's first-leg encounter, it ceased to work effectively. Real actually played a more positive tune in that match, throwing on attacking players Mesut Özil and Emmanuel Adebayor in the second half. At Camp Nou, Mourinho replaced Özil with Lassana Diarra at half time to limit the damage; Real conceded three more goals.

That attack is Real's best form of defense was proven at Valencia a week ago. Karim Benzema, Kaká and Gonzalo Higuaín combined to tear the third-placed Liga team apart in a 3-6 drubbing. Of the three- purchased for a cool 100 million euros or so- only Benzema has featured in the clásico series, for 56 minutes. With little left to lose except a further pinch of his reputation, Mourinho may as well add some on-field attacking spice to the final round.

Mourinho, after being red-carded last week at the Bernabéu.
Mourinho, after being red-carded last week at the Bernabéu.AFP

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