
Alonso "still in love with Ferrari"

Double champion speaks of "sadness" at losing GP title but thinks 2011 will be his team's year

Fernando Alonso was in a philosophical mood this weekend, when he attended the Ferrari World Finals at the Cheste circuit in Valencia. Acknowledging what he called his "sadness" at failing to take the Grand Prix title, the 2005 and 2006 champion said: "You have to see the championship in perspective; obviously when you get to the final only to lose, it is saddening, but then you look back and see that you have done a great job."

The driver once again refused to place any blame after losing the world title in Abu Dhabi on November 14, insisting that he's more in love with Ferrari than ever before. "This is the spirit of our people: they want to react straight away, to work even harder to chase victory. That has made me fall in love with Ferrari even more today than ever."

With his eight-point advantage, Alonso was the favorite to win the World Championship title as the season came to its conclusion in Abu Dhabi, but the team's decision to bring the driver in for new tires in response to a similar move from the Red Bull team backfired when Alonso rejoined the race in heavy traffic and ended up finishing the race a dismal seventh. Sebastian Vettel, Red Bull's German driver, took the championship by four points after winning in Abu Dhabi.

"It hurts to come so close to the goal and see it slip away like that, but that's the way sport goes and we have to accept it," Alonso said. "The closing chapter of the season must not erase all the positive things that we've done this year. And- I repeat- for me it's been a top year.

"There have been wonderful moments, such as the Monza podium, that will stay in my memory, and the bitter end will never be able to cancel them out."

Ferrari's president, Luca di Montezemolo, also praised the Asturian for his attitude during his first season with the Italian team: "Alonso was incredible, as much on the track as off it, decisive and full of self-confidence. From that Sunday night in Abu Dhabi we tried to console our people, who were crying in the garage, immediately, encouraging them to look to the future."

Alonso, though, is refusing to blame that one decision for the loss of the world title, saying it takes an entire season to either win or lose a championship.

"It's pointless to try and work out who got things wrong: a world championship that slips away by four points after 19 races can be lost on so many occasions, not just at the end," he said. "We are a team: we win and we lose all together. I'm happy to be at Ferrari- to feel, together with all the men and women who work here, the pride of being a part of this family and this extraordinary history.

"We are a great group and we will show that ? especially in these hardest of moments, where this bitter taste will be felt inside every one of us. I know that at Maranello everyone will be working hard on the new car to try to be even more competitive at the start of next year. There's definitely a lot of sadness but at the same time thinking that 2011 will arrive soon when we can win as we know we can," he said.

Alonso said that his and Ferrari's disappointment at missing out on the 2010 title is normal. "It happens when you are second in any sport; Wimbledon, Roland Garros, the World Cup, NBA- there is always a feeling of sadness.

"From 2011, I am expecting a lot. 2009 was a difficult year for Ferrari but now we are back in form; the worst is over."

The Ferrari World Finals, which traditionally bring Ferrari's racing season to a close, features numerous rounds of Ferrari's various one-make sports car series, demonstrations of Formula 1 machinery past and present and appearances by the Italian company's current F1 team.

This is the second year it has been held in Valencia, and only the second time it has ventured outside of Italy.

Spanish Formula 1 star Fernando Alonso drives a vintage Ferrari at Cheste, Valencia on Sunday.
Spanish Formula 1 star Fernando Alonso drives a vintage Ferrari at Cheste, Valencia on Sunday.AFP

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