
Toyota urges owners of old Corolla, Matrix and RAV4 models to park them until air bags are replaced

Takata air bag inflators can explode, blowing apart a metal canister and spewing shrapnel. The recalled RAV4s have Takata driver’s air bags while the Corolla and Matrix have them on the passenger side

A Toyota logo is seen during the New York International Auto Show, in Manhattan, New York City, U.S., April 5, 2023
A Toyota logo is seen during the New York International Auto Show, in Manhattan, New York City, U.S., April 5, 2023.DAVID DEE DELGADO (REUTERS)

Toyota is telling the owners of about 50,000 older Corolla, Corolla Matrix and RAV4 models to stop driving them because their Takata air bag inflators are at risk of exploding and hurling shrapnel.

The urgent warning Monday covers certain Corolla compact cars and Matrix hatchbacks from the 2003 and 2004 model years, as well as the RAV4 small SUV from 2004 and 2005.

“If the air bag deploys, a part inside is more likely to explode and shoot sharp metal fragments, which could cause serious injury or death to the driver or passengers,” Toyota said.

The recalled RAV4s have Takata driver’s air bags while the Corolla and Matrix models have them on the passenger side. The Corolla and Matrix also are under a separate recall because their air bags can be deployed without a crash, the company said.

Owners should contact a local dealer instead of driving the cars in for repairs. Dealers will provide options such as mobile repair, towing the car to a dealer, or vehicle pickup and delivery.

Owners can go to nhtsa.gov/recalls and enter their 17-digit vehicle identification number to see if their cars are affected.

Takata used volatile ammonium nitrate to create a small explosion to inflate air bags in a crash. But the chemical propellant can deteriorate over time when exposed to high temperatures and humidity. It can explode with too much force, blowing apart a metal canister and spewing shrapnel.

At least 26 people have been killed in the U.S. by Takata inflators since May 2009, and at least 30 have died worldwide including people in Malaysia and Australia. In addition, about 400 people have been injured. The exploding air bags sent Takata of Japan into bankruptcy.

The potential for a dangerous malfunction led to the largest series of auto recalls in U.S. history. About 100 million inflators were recalled worldwide.

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