Psychopharmaceuticals: 50 years of stagnation?
While treatments for cancer and heart disease have advanced in leaps and bounds, psychiatry continues to use the drugs that first came on the market more than half a century ago
While treatments for cancer and heart disease have advanced in leaps and bounds, psychiatry continues to use the drugs that first came on the market more than half a century ago
Science explores the relationship between body and mind in a bid to determine whether physical exercise positively affects cognitive functions
An increasing number of people are turning to so-called psychobots — artificial intelligence tools with potential psychotherapeutic benefits. Some of these systems generate entirely unpredictable responses and mimic human qualities such as empathy and compassion
The tendency to label people with a scarlet “T” ignores the complexity of human beings, systematically assigns blame to others, and prevents us from understanding why interactions with certain individuals cause us grief
Kigali sponsors foreign soccer clubs, organizes the African NBA playoffs and wants to host a Formula 1 Grand Prix. Paul Kagame’s government sells its commitment to sport as a path to progress. Human rights organizations, however, maintain that the aim is to whitewash the regime’s abuses
This default mode is activated during divergent thinking, and researchers believe it plays a key role in our flashes of genius
Researchers are evaluating the supposed benefits of what has become a popular trend: turning to Stoic teachings in search for greater well-being
In his new work ‘The Science of Happiness’, the expert and former teacher of Laurie Santos compiles dozens of studies on what helps improve psycho-emotional well-being in a lasting way
In the best-case scenario, chills can be brief, pleasant and very intense. They can even serve to reconcile contrasting emotions whose ‘fusion’ disorients us
Two studies suggest that the quantity, quality and regularity of sleep influence the potential development of neurodegenerative diseases
The continent exports unrefined gold, lithium and cobalt due to limited infrastructure and financing, but now wants to process these products to reap greater rewards
A racist incident in Malawi highlights Africa’s friction with its Asian community
They caught Hollywood’s attention with their futuristic short films before evolving towards a more social cinema where they show the drama of displaced populations and denounce the colonial plunder of African art
The new African Space Agency aims to defend the interests of the continent and promote the deployment of satellites applied to the climate crisis, security and telecommunications
The African country’s harsh anti-gay law was passed after a long campaign promoted by certain religious groups on the continent to stigmatize same-sex relationships
Most drugs are tested on populations of European origin, but standard treatment and dosage recommendations are applied in Africa and other parts of the world with genetically diverse populations