Ukraine is suffering in Gaza
The divisive effects of the war in the Strip are a blessing for Putin. The fracture lines are showing in public opinion, in democratic institutions, in governments and in international organizations
The divisive effects of the war in the Strip are a blessing for Putin. The fracture lines are showing in public opinion, in democratic institutions, in governments and in international organizations
There is a hollow ring to any explanation that disguises as a legitimate right to self-defense what is already an unbearable price being paid by all Gazans in response to Hamas’ atrocities
With his decisions in favor of political opportunism, the Israeli prime minister is responsible for the chain of errors that allowed the massacre perpetrated by the militia on October 7
Netanyahu is the person most responsible for the destruction of the Oslo Accords and for the death — already declared by many — of the two-state project
Hamas’ merciless attack was intended to demonstrate that Israel is not invincible and even to cast the shadow of the Holocaust over the minds of today’s Israelis
Far-right and crackpot minorities are imposing their tyranny on the majority, protected by counter-majoritarian democracy
After his death, Putin will be at peace with the mutineers, but it will be a new setback for the Kremlin
Donald Trump seeks refuge in freedom of speech to defend his lies and electoral manipulations
The Wagner militias’ uprising has torn the veil and broken the power vertical. The president now appears to be weak and fragile, a discredited loser, fodder for a coup d’état, and even an assassination
The Russian president came out of the crisis caused by the Wagner rebellion weakened, but he has not yet been defeated. He has merely avoided a decisive fall
Each new accusation is used by Trump to inflame his supporters, raise funds and attack his enemies with new and increasingly insulting and fallacious arguments
There is no message of greater political forcefulness or even military significance than Biden’s visit to Ukraine
The Russian leader can neither win the war militarily nor afford to lose it politically, instead he will wait until the moment suits him best to seek a negotiated solution
Theresa May may yet suffer further defeats thanks to the shredding power of Brexit
It is hard to explain to faraway friends just how far the Catalan government has gone in its populist interpretation of a democracy without rules
The Chinese Communist Party's "happy few" have become bilionaires of the capitalist elite
Under fire at home, Hollande seeks solace in the vestiges of France’s international power
Berlusconi has finally met his Brutus; now he must finally face justice
Modern social protests mobilize the masses like never before. Efficacy of such grassroots movements is questionable
The future of democracy in Pakistan is of great interest elsewhere, for reasons that have to do with security
Though much has changed since the Arab tsunami began, some observers are disinclined to admit its importance
When Weibo was created, the Chinese government had all servers located in Beijing to facilitate immediate blocking of the networks