Captive democracy
Candidates from all over the world — Trump in the U.S., Bolsonaro in Brazil, Maduro in Venezuela — seek to reach or stay in power for one main reason: it is the only way to avoid ending up in jail
Candidates from all over the world — Trump in the U.S., Bolsonaro in Brazil, Maduro in Venezuela — seek to reach or stay in power for one main reason: it is the only way to avoid ending up in jail
Contrary to what history dictates, political power is better in women’s hands. But it’s not just political power; economic power can also be part of the conversation
His most lasting legacy was to inject the virus of corruption into a more or less stable democracy, and even to forever disrupt the value system of Colombian society
There are many ways to comment on the attack carried out by Hamas, but one thing is certain: we have never seen this before and there is no way to imagine its consequences
The former president, an excellent reader of his society, discovered that there is no rule that cannot be violated. You just have to do it without apologizing
The United States, which took freedom of expression further than any modern democracy, is now a contradictory society where prohibiting is part of the daily agenda
In ‘The Joke’, the Czech-French writer began to explore the subject that would haunt him all his life: human beings’ fight against the forces that rob them of their freedom
The ultra-conservative media outlet is embroiled in a serious defamation process. Yet, regardless of the outcome, the mentality of its delusional propagandists likely won’t be affected