Would Otegi still be free?
Had ETA disbanded, or had Batasuna publicly demanded it, his situation would be different
Had ETA disbanded, or had Batasuna publicly demanded it, his situation would be different
Government U-turns on labor reform and wealth tax are damaging the Socialist cause
The exaggerated posturing of nationalists and the PP distort relations between Catalonia and Spain
The accident at the French complex can only intensify rejection of nuclear energy
The PP believes that tax cuts create jobs, while the Socialists has long been talking of reform
The financial collapse of 2008 has hit the US harder than September 11
The OECD joins the IMF is forecasting a return to recession; meanwhile the ECB drags its feet
The PP's budgetary plans are more about electioneering than responsible government
The Supreme Court endorses school teaching in Catalan, but not to the exclusion of Castilian
By censoring EL PAÍS correspondents, Cuba and Iran exhibit the weakness of their dictatorships
Bad employment statistics in the US confirm slowdown and spark call for stimulus policies
Until the terrorists lays down their arms, there can be no change in the status of prisoners
Unions, teachers, and parents lash out at regions slimming down their budgets
Castilla-La Mancha premier's cutbacks ensure that protests will come at the start of her tenure
Raising the fiscal burden on those who have most distributes the cost of the crisis
The struggle against drug trafficking must involve society as a whole, to save democracy
The reserve presided by Bernanke is still identifying crisis priorities better than the ECB
Building a new democracy demands justice for the crimes of both sides
Socialists and opposition agree on constitutional amendment guaranteeing budget stability
France is raising taxes on its highest earners, something many millionaires had been demanding
Gaddafi's fall opens up a delicate process in which the country's democratization is at stake
The pope concludes his visit, avoiding friction with the government, but not without criticism
The dispute between Spain's soccer clubs and players is fast approaching a point of no return
Doing away with provincial government requires cross-party support and a constitutional change
Incidents during the march against the papal visit have overshadowed the arrival of the pope
Merkel and Sarkozy send out hopeful signs for better governance of the euro zone
As long as ETA exists, Basque electoral contests cannot take place under equal conditions