A safe haven, a new start, and a workshop for rebuilding broken lives
EL PAÍS accompanies women in a refuge for victims of violence and abuse over the course of a week
EL PAÍS accompanies women in a refuge for victims of violence and abuse over the course of a week
The Galicia-based firm behind the Zara brand has a complex global supply system It combines it with the sharp commercial instincts of a successful local business
Health workers opposed to privatization plans hold symbolic hospital "hugs"
Umbrella committee for 7,000 associations says government owes 300 million euros in subsidies
Lucrecia Pérez Matos, from the Dominican Republic was victim of the most notorious racist murder in recent Spanish history
Over 40,000 workers have left the country this year to find jobs overseas
Over 200,000 immigrants move on to boost massive outflow
The negative effects of the crisis are taking their toll on the Spanish psyche They could be bringing back the return of the inferiority complex with regard to northern Europe
Economic crisis sees large numbers of Latin Americans heading home
First the construction crash hit mainly male workers; and now services are crumbling Women are taking a double hit from spending cuts and may lose their employability
Veteran reporter Pura Ramos is still gathering in the news, at 80