Why Spanish employees may have to start clocking in and out once more
From today, a new law will force all companies in Spain to track the number of hours their employees work, in a bid to clamp down on the widespread practice of unpaid overtime
From today, a new law will force all companies in Spain to track the number of hours their employees work, in a bid to clamp down on the widespread practice of unpaid overtime
Liverpool took advantage of the stage fright prompted by Anfield, but Barça helped the situation along with its own fears of the game
El Roto cartoon, May 13, 2019
To insist that the ball spends more time in the air than on the pitch in English soccer is to flog a debate that has long since been closed
Judicial authorities greenlight search of a room used by the WikiLeaks founder during his seven-year stay in the diplomatic headquarters in London
The acting prime minister smoothly diffused a tense situation on Saturday at the mortuary chapel for Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba, a leading political figure who died on Friday
Utensils found at a site in Bolivia had traces of benzoylecgonine, bufotenine and the two main ingredients of the traditional spiritual medicine ayahuasca
Along with some of Spain’s top politicians and heads of state, around 8,000 waited in line to file past the coffin in the lower house of parliament at the weekend