Pep Guardiola to run with pro- sovereignty bloc in Catalan election
Ex-Barcelona FC coach has no intention of taking up office, but wants to support the cause
Ex-Barcelona FC coach has no intention of taking up office, but wants to support the cause
Mayor Carmena issues conflicting statements about page dedicated to correcting stories
Tunnel diggers worked in the open while a DEA warning was reportedly ignored
This weekend’s edition of the Valencia music festival, the 21st, saw a 6% rise in ticket sales
Failure of country’s bid to head the Eurogroup highlights the lack of Spaniards in key posts
Washington and Havana take the first big step toward normalizing bilateral relations
San Roque Observatory in the Canary Islands wins vote to host Cherenkov Telescope Array
New Metroscopia poll for EL PAÍS reveals that Socialists considered to be moderate option