Biden on Election Day: ‘It was a good day for America’

The president underscored that Democrats have achieved one of the best results for a party in power at midterms, and hinted at a new run for office in 2024

US President Joe Biden arrives to speak in the State Dining Room of the White House on Wednesday.Susan Walsh (AP)

Joe Biden emerged happy and smiling on Wednesday after the midterm elections on Tuesday. “It was a good day, I think, for democracy. And I think it was a good day for America,” he said at a press conference in the White House. In his speech, the Democrat underscored that, although the complete results are not yet known, the data suggest one of the best outcomes for the party in power at a midterm election. “While the press and the pundits are predicting a giant red wave, it didn’t happen.”

Biden also stressed that the day unfolded normally, in a triumph for democracy. “Our democracy has been tested in recent years. But with their votes, the American people have spoken and proven once again that democracy is who we are,” he told reporters.

Biden acknowledged that voters are frustrated by inflation and other problems and that he has understood the message: “I get it. I understand it’s been a really tough few years in this country for so many people.” But replying to questions, Biden added that he does not intend to change the direction of his government measures.

Asked if he plans to run for re-election in 2024, he answered that “my intention is that I run again. But I’m a great respecter of fate. And this is, ultimately, a family decision. And my guess is it would be early next year we make that judgment.” As for the possibility of facing either Florida Governor Ron DeSantis or former President Donald Trump in a potential race for the Oval Office, Biden noted that “It’d be fun watching them take on each other.”

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