Spain lifts lockdown rules on exercise and walks in Phase 2 areas

From Wednesday, both children and adults in these territories will be able to go outside as often as they like, with no restrictions on time or distance

A family walks along Punta Umbría beach in Huelva province last Thursday.María José López (Europa Press)

From Wednesday, children living in areas of Spain that have entered Phase 2 of the coronavirus deescalation plan will be able to go outside as many times as they like, without any restrictions on how far they can go or for how long. That’s according to the Health Ministry order published Tuesday in the Official State Gazette (BOE), which has formalized what many families have been doing since last week, when the timetables for walks and exercise were removed for areas under Phase 2, with the exception of the time slot allocated to senior residents.

Previously, children under the age of 14 were only able to go out once a day, for a one-hour period, within a one-kilometer radius of their home. Adults too were also restricted to going for a walk within the same radius, and were only allowed to practice sport within their municipality of residence.

Anyone living in a Phase 2 area will be able to go hiking in the woods or take a day trip to the countryside, as long as they remain within their province

The order lifts these restrictions, meaning that both children and adults will be able to go for walks and practice individual sports, such as running or cycling, in any part of their province, island or healthcare area, with no limit on time of distance. In other words, anyone living in a Phase 2 area will be able to go hiking in the woods or take a day trip to the countryside, as long as they remain within their province.

The only restriction that will remain in place is the time slot allotted for seniors, which will continue to be from 10am to 12pm, and from 7pm to 8pm. Regional authorities, however, are allowed to move this schedule by up to two hours to avoid the hottest time of the day.

From Monday, residents in Phase 2 areas have been able to go for walks and practice sport with up to 15 people, including both parents in the case of families with children. But those who have not shared the same household during the coronavirus are still advised to maintain safe distances and routine hygiene measures.

Residents in Phase 1 areas, such as the Madrid region and the Barcelona metropolitan zone, must, however, continue to respect the limits on walks and exercise. While children can go outside with both parents, they can only do this once a day, for an hour and within a kilometer of their home.

Madrid changes time for children’s walks

Madrid premier Isabel Díaz Ayuso announced Tuesday that the time slot allotted for children’s walks will be changed so that they can avoid the hottest hours of the day. Currently, minors under the age of 14 can go outside between 12pm and 7pm. From Thursday, this will change to between 10am and 1pm, and from 5pm to 9pm. The rest of the schedule – 6am to 10am and 8pm to 11pm for adults, and 10am to 12pm and 7pm to 8pm for senior citizens will remain the same, according to the order signed by regional health chief Enrique Ruiz Escudero.

Díaz Ayuso made the announcement four days after Madrid region was given permission to enter Phase 1 of the coronavirus deescalation plan. In a message on Twitter, the premier said that she would “continue asking the central government to eliminate all timetable restrictions.”

English version by Melissa Kitson.

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