The hidden perk of Google Maps that almost nobody knows about

The features of the tech giant’s navigation service extend beyond what is commonly known

Google Maps now offers the option of finding the most eco-friendly route for car trips.

Google Maps is one of the most widely used navigation services in the world. The fact that it is free to use on any operating system has made it a global hit. What’s more, Google engineers have been adding in new tools and features to help users find easier and more efficient travel routes.

The tech giant recently presented its latest sustainability report, which outlines in detail all the initiatives, actions and investments that Google has made to help reduce its carbon footprint and support the environment.

In the report, Google discusses a feature on Google Maps that many users may not be aware of: the navigation service offers the option of finding the most eco-friendly route for car trips.

According to the tech giant, global searches for “how to save fuel when driving” increased by 60% from 2022-2023. This shows that users are interested in saving on fuel, either for economic or environmental reasons.

In 2021, the company launched the feature that allows Google Maps users to select the most eco-friendly route. This tool shows the most fuel-efficient route based on their vehicle’s engine type, be it hybrid, electric or petrol or diesel.

A major impact

To give an idea of the potential impact of Google’s features, Google Maps offers more than two trillion kilometers of public transportation routes every day. This massive use of its technology translates into significant effects on the overall mobility of the planet.

The eco-friendly route feature is currently available in the United States, Canada and 40 European countries, as well as Egypt. The company estimates that the tool has helped drivers save roughly 1.2 million metric tons of CO2 emissions.

Google points out that this amount of reduced emissions is equivalent to taking 250,000 internal combustion cars off the road for a whole year.

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