A look back at Nicole Kidman’s career: From low-budget Australian movies to Hollywood fame
The actress’s latest movie, ‘Babygirl,’ is making waves as she celebrates one of the most successful, prolific, and highest-paid careers in the industry. Here’s how she broke free from Tom Cruise’s shadow to become one of the most esteemed figures in cinema

![Kidman and Cruise adopted two children, Isabella and Connor, during their marriage, which was often scrutinized due to rumors about Tom's alleged homosexuality, Nicole's refusal to embrace Scientology, and claims of infidelities. Their eleven-year relationship, which was strained by Cruise’s demanding filming schedule, ended when the 'Top Gun' actor filed for divorce. Years later, Kidman revealed that she never felt worthy of the global fame she gained through her relationship with Cruise. “I felt I became a star only by association [...] I felt it was my job to put on a beautiful dress and to be seen and not heard,” she admitted.](https://imagenes.elpais.com/resizer/v2/7NRWBOBTXBALBH5OFBASJLGYFI.jpg?auth=a5b95e0b282bb5052b0e77d3ece56af4074c2442d404612c6eebc799046bc3b5&width=414)

![This year, Nicole Kidman celebrates 20 years of marriage to her second and inseparable husband, country singer Keith Urban. They tied the knot just six months after they started dating, in a ceremony in Sydney, and now have two daughters, Sunday and Faith, who are making their red carpet debut alongside their famous parents. Urban, who has battled addiction to alcohol and drugs and has undergone multiple stints in rehabilitation, credits his wife's unwavering support with saving his life. For her part, Kidman has said that her only regret is not meeting Urban sooner. "I wonder if we met when we were 25, then we could have had 10 [children]," she told 'People' magazine.](https://imagenes.elpais.com/resizer/v2/KB57SZ54MNCWZEWFUMKRXJRGTM.jpg?auth=2a8268f29b25721e02889e770f20c8245835cec5a041cd81250ba0dfb2bedfd0&width=414)