Medical mistakes such as operating on the wrong kidney or knee are the fourth most significant preventable problem in healthcare. Experts propose implementing protocols to prevent them from occurring
Two women share their story of motherhood after diagnosis. Mónica Piqueres received treatment while pregnant with her daughter; Laura Rueda took part in a medical study that meant pausing her therapy in order to have a baby
Posing as an aunt or uncle seeking help for a fictitious 16-year-old who survived a fentanyl overdose, researchers called U.S. rehabs and asked if they offered the treatment medication buprenorphine
Despite last week’s sharp increase in filings for unemployment aid, some analysts cautioned against concluding that layoffs are picking up across the economy
The drugmaker is seeking to halt the program, which was laid out in the Inflation Reduction Act and is expected to save taxpayers billions of dollars in the coming years
The switch by Rep. Tricia Cotham gave Republicans veto-proof margins in both the House and Senate, upending the state’s fragile power balance and perhaps opening the floodgates to a new wave of conservative policies