
16 workers killed in the collapse of a crane being used to build a bridge in India

Television footage showed the collapsed crane on the ground as rescue workers looked for survivors near the site in Thane, a city just outside Mumbai

This photograph provided by India's National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) shows NDRF personnel on rescue operations after an accident at a bridge of under construction Samruddhi Expressway at Shahapur, Thane District, Maharashtra state, India, Tuesday, Aug.1, 2023.
This photograph provided by India's National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) shows NDRF personnel on rescue operations after an accident at a bridge of under construction Samruddhi Expressway at Shahapur, Thane District, Maharashtra state, India, Tuesday, Aug.1, 2023.AP

A huge crane collapsed at a highway construction site in western India, killing at least 16 workers, the country’s National Disaster Response Force said Tuesday

Television footage showed the collapsed crane on the ground as rescue workers looked for survivors near the site in Thane, a city just outside Mumbai. At least three people who were injured were rushed to a hospital.

Press Trust of India reported the crane is used to install precast box girders while building highway and high-speed rail bridges.

Indian Prime Minster Narendra Modi expressed his condolences in a message on X, the social media platform formerly known as Twitter.

“My deepest condolences to the families of those who lost their lives. Our thoughts and prayers are with those who are injured,” his office said in a post.

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