Italian bank employee confesses to killing a porn actress after recording a sex video with her

Davide Fontana reported his crime to the police earlier this week. He had dismembered victim Carol Maltesi’s corpse and frozen it, before dumping it on a mountainside

Italian police officers in a file photo. The killer of Carol Maltesi confessed his crime to officers while filing an official missing persons report.Adam Berry (Getty)

Davide Fontana, an Italian bank employee aged 43 whose hobbies included photography and writing a blog about gastronomy and travel, purchased a freezer from Amazon back in January. He also bought an ax and a metal saw. His order history on the online platform also included a brazier, which he later returned because it wasn’t useful for him. It was a trail of commercial transactions that were needed for an operation that lasted three days: freezing the body of Carol Maltesi, a 26-year-old porn actress, chopping it into 15 pieces and getting rid of it on a mountainside. He told the police all about it at 3am on Tuesday, some two-and-a-half months after killing Maltesi, who was the mother of a six-year-old boy, and went by the artistic name of Charlotte Angie. Between the time of her death and when he disposed of her remains, Fontana was pretending to be her when replying to text messages from her relatives.

Fontana and Maltesi both lived in Rescaldina, part of the Metropolitan City of Milan, but they had met in a hotel in Milan in October 2020, during the peak of the coronavirus pandemic. “I worked in a bank, but I love photography,” he told police. “I met her via Instagram and I took photos of her in her underwear. I lived in Milan with my wife, and later I decided to leave her because I started a relationship with Carol. We had an open relationship. She sold porn films and photos on OnlyFans,” he added, in reference to the subscription website often used by porn actors to boost their income.

I’m telling you all of this because I wanted to get this weight off my back and tell the truth
Self-confessed killer Davide Fontana

Both of them began to record extreme porn scenes, until on a date that is yet to be determined – between January 10 and 11 – Fontana killed her with no apparent motive. That day they recorded two films in the actress’s home. The first, which was less aggressive, was still on the killer’s iPhone. The second, which saw Maltesi’s life end, was deleted. “She was tied up [on a stripper bar], and she had a bag over her head. I started to hit her all over her body with a hammer, but not very hard, I’m not sure why. I don’t know what happened to me. I think that she was already dead, I didn’t know what to do, and I cut her throat with a kitchen knife. I spent half an hour looking at her and then I went home.”

The killer first tried to set fire to her unsuccessfully. After freezing her body and dismembering her with the tools he had bought on Amazon, he tidied the house. “I cleaned the apartment and washed the cloths in the washer,” he told the police. Then he stuck the trash bags containing her remains in the freezer. More than two months later, he put the body in the trunk of his car and drove 120 kilometers to the mountains of Borno (Brescia) where he left it. That day, he calmly returned to his life. “I’m telling you all of this because I wanted to get this weight off my back and tell the truth,” he said to police in the early hours of Tuesday.

On March 20, a 60-year-old man who was walking in the area found Maltesi’s corpse. Her body parts were scattered around, her face was burned and in a state of decomposition that made it hard for the police to identify her. It was only possible to do so thanks to her 15 tattoos, images of which were published by the authorities in a bid to establish her identity. A number of the actress’s fans got in touch to alert them as to who she was.


Fontana continued to use the victim’s phone and answered the messages she received. He managed to deal with her relatives’ questions until he got a call from a journalist, who had information about the identity of the body found. The reporter did not believe Fontana’s answers and requested to speak to Maltesi so that he could hear her voice. But Fontanta held out. On Monday, when he realized that the police were closing in on him, he made an official report on her disappearance. But it was while they took his statement that he broke down and confessed to his crime.

Twenty-five women have been murdered in Italy this year alone. Maltesi herself had published a video on November 25 denouncing the psychological abuse suffered by women. “I have lived through this in my small personal reality…” she said. “There is a lot of talk about physical violence, but psychological violence is important too because that is what destroys you.”

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