
Wet weather to put a damper on Easter break in Spain

Sixteen provinces had been issued warnings for storms, rough seas and winds gusting up to 90 km/h

Tourists shield themselves from the rain in San Sebastián.
Tourists shield themselves from the rain in San Sebastián.JUAN HERRERO (EFE)

There is more bad news for Spaniards’ Easter vacation plans. Besides the transportation strikes that have already caused delays at Madrid-Barajas airport, holidaymakers will have to contend with adverse weather conditions in much of the country.

The national meteorology agency AEMET on Wednesday issued alerts in eight Spanish regions for rain, storms, rough seas and winds gusting up to 90 km/h. A total of 16 provinces are on yellow alert for these weather events.

These include the southern provinces of Almería, Cádiz and Granada. Elsewhere, León, Ávila, Palencia, Valladolid, Zamora, Salamanca and Cáceres are on alert. In northern Spain, the regions of Asturias, Navarre, Basque Country and Cantabria are bracing for winds of up to 90 km/h.

Temperatures are expected to drop in western Spain and in parts of the Mediterranean, but rise elsewhere.

The AEMET warns that weather conditions could get worse on Thursday, when 22 provinces will be on yellow alert.

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