Authorities identify Spanish hunter who tortured and killed a fox

The 35-year-old man is seen in a video that was spread via social media flinging the animal through the air and stamping on its head

VIEWER DISCRETION ADVISED: Hunter tortures and kills fox.Video: EPV

A Spanish hunter who was filmed while he chased and tortured a fox has been identified by the Civil Guard in the Spanish province of Huesca. The man, aged 35, is facing charges of crimes against wildlife.

The incident came to light after the recording of the incident spread via social media. In the shocking images, the man is seen grabbing the fox by one leg and throwing it through the air. He then runs after the animal, which does its best to escape.

The man then strikes the animal in the head with his shotgun. The animal tries to escape again but the man catches it and throws it in the air once more. The hunter then asks the person filming the scene for a knife. “To cut its throat?” he is asked. “For the tail,” he replies. In the rest of the video he is seen stamping on the animal’s head.

According to the local newspaper the Heraldo de Aragón, the video reached a WhatsApp group to which members of the National Police and the Civil Guard belong. Officers from the Nature Protection Service (SEPRONA) then began to investigate the video. On Friday, according to the newspaper, the hunter admitted having tortured and killed the animal.

The Spanish animal-rights political party PACMA denounced the incident via social media. The Spanish Royal Hunting Federation (RFEC) also called last week for the hunter to be identified, and announced that it would propose to Spain’s autonomous regions that hunting licenses be taken away from anyone displaying such behavior.

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