People cool down running through a water fountain in Madrid Rio park.Carlos RosilloA man enjoys the spray from a water fountain in Madrid Rio park.Carlos RosilloA bird splashes in a fountain in El Retiro park in Madrid.J.J. GuillénA thermometer at a bus stop in Madrid reads 46ºC.CARLOS ROSILLOTourists cool off at the Puente de Toledo fountain in Madrid.Two girls drench themselves with water in a central square in Almería.Carlos Barba (EFE)A thermometer reads 39ºC in the center of Almería as the first day of the heat wave begins.A group of children bathe in an inflatable pool in Tres Mil Viviendas in Seville.PACO PUENTESTourists row a boat in the lake in El Retiro park in Madrid.Carlos RosilloA man washes his face at a tap in El Retiro park in Madrid.Carlos Rosillo