In photos: Protestors take to the streets after “La Manada” granted bail
Feminist organizations demonstrate after Navarre court frees five men, who have been convicted of sexual abuse of an 18-year-old at the Running of the Bulls fiestas
Protest in Pamplona against the release of “La Manada.”Pablo LasaosaProtest in Pamplona against the release of “La Manada.”Pablo Lasaosa“It was not abuse, it is assault,” reads a banner at a protest in Pamplona.Pablo LasaosaA person holds a sign that reads “Justice?” at the Pamplona protest.Álvaro BarrientosProtest in Pamplona against the release of “La Manada.”Pablo LasaosaA sign reads “I believe you” at a protest in Plaza Sant Jaume in Barcelona.Massimiliano Minocri“La Manada freed? Immoral” reads this sign at the Barcelona protest.Massimiliano MinocriProtest in Plaza Sant Jaume in Barcelona against the release of “La Manada”Massimiliano MinocriProtest in Pamplona against the release of “La Manada.”Pablo LasaosaA woman holds a sign reading “Rapists freed?” with the faces “La Manada” during a protest in Barcelona.Massimiliano Minocri