Video: Mexican politician Andrés Manuel López Obrador hit with eggs

Presidential candidate hustled away from campaign meeting in Huatusco, state of Veracruz

López Obrador in Tlapanaloya.Video: HR
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Tiran huevos a Andrés Manuel López Obrador durante un mitin en Veracruz

Two-time Mexican presidential candidate Andrés López Obrador, the leader of the National Regeneration Movement (Morena), was attacked on Thursday at a rally in the town of Huatusco, in the eastern coastal state of Veracruz.

At the end of an event in support of Isabel Carrasco, his party’s mayoral candidate there, a woman threw an egg at López Obrador. His supporters immediately surrounded him, hurrying him away, later criticizing poor security at the event.

Rival organizations the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) and the National Alliance Party (PAN) also condemned the incident.

López Obrador will be running for president for a third time in next year’s general elections in Mexico.

English version by Nick Lyne.

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