The beer map of Spain

A study reveals which brand of lager is more likely to be in your fridge, depending on where you live

The most-drunk beers in each autonomous region of Spain (no data for Canary Islands or Ceuta and Melilla).

If we could open the fridges of every resident of Spain, this is what we would find, depending on the autonomous region. The information has been compiled by the consultancy Kantar, based on a request from Verne and using data from the Brand Footprint 2015 study, which was presented a few weeks ago and measures the brands that are most chosen for our shopping carts.

The data does not include the Canary Islands, nor Spain’s North African exclaves of Melilla and Ceuta. The ranking is based on the CRP variable, which measures how many people buy a particular brand for consumption at home, and how many times a year they do so.

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