Number of road deaths during Easter break up by 11 compared to 2015

A total of 36 people have lost their lives since the vacation period began on March 18

Easter sees the highest volume of traffic on the roads in Spain.K. Huesca (EFE)

Spain’s DGT traffic authority reported today that there were a total of 36 deaths on Spanish roads over the Easter break. The figure, which accounts for the period from March 18 at 3pm until the end of Easter Sunday, is 11 higher than that registered last year.

Given that today is a holiday in the Catalonia, Basque Country, La Rioja, Navarre, Valencia and Balearic regions, a definitive figure for the Easter break will not be available until Tuesday.

The bad news comes in the wake of a serious bus crash in Tarragona on Sunday, March 20, in which 13 foreign students died on their way back from Las Fallas festivals in Valencia.

The DGT is expecting a total of 8.7 million journeys between Wednesday and today, as the Easter break comes to a close. This time of year is the biggest in terms of volume of traffic throughout Spain’s road network, given the limited time most people have to enjoy their vacation.

English version by Simon Hunter.

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