Dating back to medieval times, Pedraza’s winding narrow streets and sturdy stone houses have attracted artists, writers and musicians since interior decorator Paco Muñoz opened his first shop here in 1975. Since then, the community has prospered by developing arts and crafts eagerly bought by day trippers from Madrid. There are still plenty of vestiges of Pedraza’s defenses, dating back to the 12th century: its walls, entrance, its barbican, later used as a jail, the castle… There are also several splendid palaces and stately homes built in the 16th century. www.pedraza.info
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The prettiest villages in Spain (part II)

With a population of no more than 15,000 and a wealth of cultural, natural and architectural attractions, these picturesque destinations are all part of a network called The Most Beautiful Villages in Spain

Elena Sevillano