The smallest city in Spain to bear that name, with just 265 residents, Frías rests on top of La Muela hill, on the shores of the Ebro river, forming a peculiar silhouette framed by Humión peak. Grouped around the castle of the Velascos and the church of San Vicente Mártir, the tightly packed hanging houses cling to the rock, defying the laws of gravity (www.ciudaddefrias.es). The city is part of the Most Beautiful Villages of Spain Association, which lists unique municipalities of under 15,000 residents that are worth a visit, although travelers will miss many whose charm exceeds some of the ones included here.
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The prettiest villages in Spain (Part 1)

With a population of no more than 15,000 and a wealth of cultural, natural and architectural attractions, these picturesque destinations are all part of a network called The Most Beautiful Villages in Spain

Elena Sevillano