Spanish unemployment drops 27,071 in best November on record

Number of jobless falls across all sectors of the economy and in 10 regions

Unemployment figures for November were the best on record.EFE

November was a good month for the Spanish job market. While new contributors to the social security system – a measure of job creation – grew by just 1,620 individuals, the number of people officially registered as unemployed dropped by 27,071, making it the best November since the statistical series began, according to the Labor Ministry.

Joblessness shrank in 10 regions last month, most notably in Andalusia, but it also rose in seven others

Unemployment decreased in all sectors, including construction (which saw 10,218 fewer workers out of a job), agriculture and fishing (-7,153), industry (-5,311) and services (-1,455).

Joblessness also shrank in 10 regions, most notably in Andalusia (-17,900), followed by Valencia (-9,807) and Madrid (-4.678). But at the same time, unemployment rose in seven others, including Galicia and the Balearic and Canary Islands.

Many of the new social security affiliations were in the education and retail sectors.

English version by Susana Urra.

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