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There was a global public outcry over images of Osama Abdul Mohsen, a Syrian refugee, falling to the ground with a child in his arms after a Hungarian reporter tripped him up in front of the cameras. It was this scene that motivated Miguel Ángel Galán, president of the National Soccer Coach Training Center (Cenafe), to help Abdul Mohsen move to Spain. The Syrian man arrived in Madrid on Wednesday night with two of his children, Zaid, 7 and Mohammed, 18. On Thursday, they spent their first day in Getafe, their new home, where they visited Cenafe headquarters. Pictured is Zaid with a soccer ball he had just received as a present.
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Syrians sponsored by soccer school tour their new home

Osama Abdul Mohsen and his sons Mohammed and Zaid were greeted by neighbors in the Madrid suburb of Getafe
