
Video: “Throwing dogs over the fence is becoming all the rage this summer”

Animal protection group reports men who abandoned pet by hurling it on to its premises

Video: The men throwing the dog over the fence.Video: Os palleiros

Galician animal protection group Os palleiros has filed a complaint with the Civil Guard over an incident in which two men threw a dog over the fence of its premises last Thursday.

A video of the incident, which was caught on the organization’s security camera, immediately went viral on the social networks: in three days it has been shared by 110,000 people on Facebook.

“Two weeks ago they abandoned two dogs with us by throwing them over the fence,” said Elisabeth Suárez, a volunteer with the group. “Twenty days ago there was another. They have always left us dogs tied up, which is also cruel, but this is awful. Throwing dogs over the fence is becoming all the rage this summer.”

We also receive threats when we refuse to accept another animal. We can’t cope” Os palleiros volunteer Elisabeth Suárez

Os palleiros has over 170 dogs under its care, a figure that far exceeds its installations’ capacity, says Suárez. That is why they are only taking in animals in extreme need, such as puppies that will not survive on the street, or animals about to give birth.

“We had to install the security camera as a deterrent, not only because they throw over dogs, but also because we receive threats when we refuse to accept another animal. We can’t cope,” adds Suárez, who says the organization has a number of meetings lined up for Monday with people interested in adopting the abandoned dog.

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